Friday, January 4, 2013

Hi guys ! Just writing this to tell ya'll that if you guys have any problems with anything regarding photography do contact me at

And you can see my prize photos at 


Splash Photography : Tutorial

Hi guys. Okay, so today im gonna be doing a tutorial here on splash photography. Its pretty easy and this is probably the easiest it'll get. I use a NIKON P510 and it still produces some pretty awesome shots.

First things first, all the nonsense you may see on needing an off camera flash or a remote , well lets just say its nonsense. All you need is a camera, a tub of water, a plastic and a black sheet of paper. You may want to add colors to your water droplets and all you need are different colored papers.

Here's an example of MY setup.

The Simple Setup

And here's a splash that I took with this exact setup.

I took theses photos with my ISO at 1600, my shutter speed at 2000 and F.80.
Most importantly, TURN ON YOUR FLASH.
The flash reflects the colour of the paper onto the water and thus the magnificent effect. Most other tutorials that i have seen tell you that its most important to have an off camera flash, but it isin't. 

Make sure that the place your are taking it in has a lot of light, set your camera to the correct settings and viola ! 

Since your using a digital camera, take as many shots. The more shots you take the more chance of getting the perfects one. 

Splash Photography

One of my main interest in photography. WATER. The best object to photograph and guaranteed a different and more creative photo everytime. In the the future i'll be doing tutorials on these various ways of photographing water but for now here are a few of my best sample shots.